Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

Merger and acquisition are the most common forms of cooperation between companies today. The difference between the two is that while a merger is the legal and economic merger of two or more companies to form a new company, an acquisition is the merger of one or more companies into another existing company.

In order for the merger and acquisition process to be concluded without any legal and financial losses for both companies, it is important that it is managed by lawyers who are experts in their fields and who are experts in their fields.

Our lawyers who are experts in mergers and acquisitions provide consultancy services for the effective representation of the client at every step and for the best protection of the client's interests. In merger and acquisition transactions, we provide effective and result-oriented legal support at the beginning of the process (confidentiality agreements, letter of intent), in the later stages (legal review-due diligence, all project agreements, monitoring of prerequisites, obtaining relevant permissions from administrative institutions if necessary) and in the final stage (transfer of shares, capital participation and change of management).