Liquidation of Property Regime

Liquidation of Property Regime

Property regime liquidation is the most difficult area of ​​the divorce process. Considering the number of divorces, which has increased by approximately 1.5 times in the last 10 years, significant financial losses can be experienced due to incorrect legal interventions in prolonged litigation processes. Since effective legal intervention in property regime liquidation ensures that the divorce process is concluded quickly, it is very important to include a lawyer who is an expert in property regime liquidation in the process.

Determining which property has a right based on which legal reason, as well as imposing a precaution on the property at the beginning of the case, affects the success of the process and the result. Property Regime Liquidation trainings we have carried out with Ener Law Academy have been the best divorce and property regime liquidation trainings in Turkey in this field. Our team, which closely follows current judicial decisions in the field of property regime liquidation, represents its clients in the best way possible during the property regime liquidation process and ensures that the liquidation is concluded in the most profitable way.